Apocalypse Now (academy member gift with note)

Price: £325.00
RefNo: 13037
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Apocalypse Now was nominated for 8 Oscars in 1980 and won two. In the lead up to the voting, the studios lobby the academy members, often sending items such as this rolled poster with a note, hopefully prompting the member in question to give them their vote. A great poster with artwork by Bob Peake and a reminder that Coppola's brilliant reworking of Conrad's Heart of Darkness is considered by many to be the best war movie ever made This poster is from the film's first release, rolled in excellent condition. The note is attached with a staple only.
Apocalypse Now (academy member gift with note) - Features
Nominal SizeUS 1 sht 27"x41"
GradeNear Mint
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