Empire Strikes Back (GWTW style)

Price: £1,295.00
RefNo: 16166
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This is the much sought after 'Gone With The Wind' style poster that was withdrawn early in the film's release and replaced with the style B because it omitted to show some of the main characters. In this oscar winning "Star Wars" sequel, considered by many to be the best in the series, the battle to save the galaxy from the evil Darth Vader rages on. Han Solo, Princess Leia and Chewbacca are tested in a devastating attack by the Imperial army and its AT-AT Walkers. Meanwhile, Luke Skywalker (seeks out the ancient Yoda to learn the secrets of the Jedi... secrets Luke will need when the Dark Side of the Force beckons him in a destiny-defining duel with Darth Vader. Linen backed in excellent condition. N.B. Prior to backing this was a rolled poster.
Empire Strikes Back (GWTW style) - Features
Nominal SizeUS 1 sht 27"x41"
GradeFine/Near Mint on linen
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