Contact us

Contact Us Simon Dwyer Movie Poster Gallery

If you have any enquiries, call us on 

07971 797 386

(Monday to Saturday 10.00am to 5.30pm) or, you can email us through contact form below.

As an internet operation we don't have a traditional shop but you're welcome to pick up your purchases in person or to inspect a particular piece more closely before you buy. We're in London on Wednesdays and Thursdays and West Sussex the rest of the week. Just give us a call to arrange a convenient time or to ask us to bring specific posters to London from storage in West Sussex.

And if you're looking to sell, then we're always interested in taking a look. We can then make you an offer or sell it for you on commission.




Our mailing address is:
Simon Dwyer
Slipper House
2 Slipper Road
West Sussex PO10 8BS
United Kingdom


To ask us a question about anything poster related or to arrange an appointment in London at 7 Epirus Mews SW6 7UP or in West Sussex at 2 Slipper Road PO10 8BS, just fill in your details below and we’ll come back to you.


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