#Hammer Original Movie Posters
One Million Years BC
Original UK cinema programme from the 1966 first release. With the UK quads achieving £3,000, this is an affordable way to get a genuine piece fo rthis Hammer classic. click for more informationNominal Size: UK programme 8"x10"Grade: Fine/Near MintYear: 1966
Qty.:1Price:£95.00 -
Brides of Dracula
Considered by many to be the best of all the Hammer Horrors. click for more informationNominal Size: UK quad 40"x30"Grade: Very Good on linenYear: 1960
Qty.:1Price:£995.00 -
Countess Dracula
Front of house card for this Hammer Horror classic. Ingrid Pitt sttars. click for more informationNominal Size: UK front of house 10"x8"Grade: Fine/Near MintYear: 1971
Qty.:1Price:£30.00 -
Creatures the World Forgot
Hammer decided to return to prehistoric man one more time in the sexy cave girl role. click for more informationNominal Size: Belgian 22"x14"Grade: Near MintYear: 1971
Qty.:1Price:£65.00 -
Creatures the World Forgot
Hammer decided to return to prehistoric man one more time in the sexy cave girl role. click for more informationNominal Size: UK quad 40"x30"Grade: Fine/Near MintYear: 1971
Qty.:1Price:£395.00 -
Creatures the World Forgot
Hammer decided to return to prehistoric man one more time in the sexy cave girl role. click for more informationNominal Size: UK quad 40"x30"Grade: Near Mint on linenYear: 1971
Qty.:1Price:£495.00 -
Creatures the World Forgot (One Million Years BC sequel)
Promotional poster capitalising on the success of One Million Years B.C. click for more informationNominal Size: US 1 sht 27"x41"Grade: FineYear: 1970
Qty.:1Price:£495.00 -
Curse of the Werewolf (signed by the two stars)
In 1961 Hammer made the definitive werewolf movie.--- click for more informationNominal Size: Press photoGrade: Fine (framed)Year: 1961
Qty.:1Price:£85.00 -
Rare country of origin 1964 re-release UK quad poster for Hammer's most important film ever. This was the film that made Hammer and set the format for vampire films forever.
click for more informationNominal Size: UK quad 40"x30"Grade: Fine on linenYear: 1958
Qty.:1Price:£1,950.00 -
Dracula A.D. 1972
Johnny Alucard raises Count Dracula(Christopher Lee) from the dead in 1972 London. click for more informationNominal Size: Japanese B2 20"x28"Grade: Fine/Near MintYear: 1972
Qty.:1Price:£145.00 -
Dracula A.D. 1972
Johnny Alucard raises Count Dracula(Christopher Lee) from the dead in 1972 London. click for more informationNominal Size: US 6 sht 81"x81"Grade: Fine/Near MintYear: 1972
Qty.:1Price:£465.00 -
Dracula A.D. 1972
The Count is back, with an eye for London's hotpants... and a taste for everything. click for more informationNominal Size: UK quad 40"x30"Grade: Fine/Near Mint on linenYear: 1972
Qty.:1Price:£1,245.00 -
Dracula A.D. 1972
Johnny Alucard raises Count Dracula(Christopher Lee) from the dead in 1972 London. click for more informationNominal Size: UK quad 40"x30"Grade: Fine/Near MintYear: 1972
Qty.:1Price:£1,250.00 -
Dracula Has Risen From The Grave
All the Hammer trademarks with stylish sets, great lighting and blood galore. click for more informationNominal Size: UK quad 40"x30"Grade: FineYear: 1968
Qty.:1Price:£295.00 -
Dracula Has Risen From The Grave
All the Hammer trademarks with stylish sets, great lighting and blood galore. click for more informationNominal Size: UK quad 40"x30"Grade: Fine/Near MintYear: 1968
Qty.:1Price:£345.00 -
Frankenstein and the monster from Hell
The last of the Frankenstein films produced by Hammer and one of the best. click for more informationNominal Size: UK quad 40"x30"Grade: Near MintYear: 1974
Qty.:1Price:£545.00 -
Hotdog… The Movie
80's teen skiing comedy. This is the rare UK quad poster with artwork by Frank Langford, tri-folded in excellent condition. click for more informationNominal Size: UK quad 40"x30"Grade: FineYear: 1983
Qty.:1Price:£95.00 -
Hound of the Baskervilles
Hammer films production of the Sherlock Holmes classic. click for more informationNominal Size: UK quad 40"x30"Grade: Fine on linenYear: 1959
Qty.:1Price:£4,450.00 -
Legend of the 7 Golden Vampires
Hammer Horror with Peter Cushing as Van Helsing. click for more informationNominal Size: UK quad 40"x30"Grade: Fine/Near MintYear: 1974
Qty.:1Price:£195.00 -
Moon Zero Two
Hammer's only sci-fi movie, this is the country of origin UK quad with superior artwork by Tom Chantrell. click for more informationNominal Size: UK quad 40"x30"Grade: Fine/Near MintYear: 1969
Qty.:1Price:£465.00 -
Mummy's Shroud
“Beware the beat of the cloth wrapped feet'. click for more informationNominal Size: UK quad 40"x30"Grade: GoodYear: 1967
Qty.:1Price:£75.00 -
Nanny (the)
Bette Davis and Wendy Craig star in this Hammer thriller click for more informationNominal Size: UK quad 40"x30"Grade: FineYear: 1965
Qty.:1Price:£395.00 -
On the Buses
This spin-off film features the cast of the hugely successful TV sitcom, On the Buses. click for more informationNominal Size: Yugoslavia 17"x24"Grade: FineYear: 1971
Qty.:1Price:£60.00 -
On the Buses
This spin-off film features the cast of the hugely successful TV sitcom, On the Buses. click for more informationNominal Size: UK quad 40"x30"Grade: Fine/Near Mint on linenYear: 1971
Qty.:1Price:£345.00 -
One Million Years BC
Dinosaurs, an exploding volcano, giant tarantulas and Raquel Welch in a fur bikini! click for more informationNominal Size: Australian daybill 13"x26"Grade: Near MintYear: 1966
Qty.:1Price:£175.00 -
One Million Years BC
Dinosaurs, an exploding volcano, giant tarantulas and Raquel Welch in a fur bikini! click for more informationNominal Size: italian 2-foglio 39" x 55"Grade: Fine on linenYear: 1966
Qty.:1Price:£465.00 -
One Million Years BC
Dinosaurs, an exploding volcano, giant tarantulas and Raquel Welch in a fur bikini! click for more informationNominal Size: pakistan 1 sht 30"x40"Grade: Very Good/FineYear: 1966
Qty.:1Price:£195.00 -
One Million Years BC
Dinosaurs, an exploding volcano, giant tarantulas and Raquel Welch in a fur bikini! click for more informationNominal Size: Polish 22" x 33"Grade: Fine/Near MintYear: 1966
Qty.:1Price:£165.00 -
One Million Years BC
Dinosaurs, an exploding volcano, giant tarantulas and Raquel Welch in a fur bikini! click for more informationNominal Size: US 1 sht 27"x41"Grade: FineYear: 1966
Qty.:1Price:£95.00 -
One Million Years BC
Dinosaurs, an exploding volcano, giant tarantulas and Raquel Welch in a fur bikini! click for more informationNominal Size: Australian 1 sht 27 x 40Grade: Fine/Near Mint on linenYear: 1966
Qty.:1Price:£425.00 -
One Million Years BC
Rare rolled country of origin UK quad poster with artwork by Chantrell makes this original 1966 UK quad something really special. click for more informationNominal Size: UK quad 40"x30"Grade: Fine/Near MintYear: 1966
Qty.:1Price:£2,750.00 -
One Million Years BC (Raquel Welch Personality Poster)
One of the most iconic images of the 1960's, Raquel Welch adorned the walls of countless students and was even a key poster in The Shawshank Redemption. click for more informationNominal Size: Special 29"x40"Grade: Near MintYear: 1966
Qty.:1Price:£225.00 -
One Million Years BC / She
Ultimate Hammer double bill Raquel Welch in a fur bikini and... Ursula Andress! click for more informationNominal Size: US window card 14"x22"Grade: FineYear: 1968
Qty.:1Price:£75.00 -
One Million Years BC / She
Ultimate Hammer double bill Raquel Welch in a fur bikini and... Ursula Andress! click for more informationNominal Size: UK quad 40"x30"Grade: FineYear: 1968
Qty.:1Price:£125.00 -
One Million Years BC / She
Ultimate Hammer double bill Raquel Welch in a fur bikini and... Ursula Andress! click for more informationNominal Size: UK quad 40"x30"Grade: Near MintYear: 1968
Qty.:1Price:£195.00 -
One million Years BC
Dinosaurs, an exploding volcano, giant tarantulas and Raquel Welch in a fur bikini! click for more informationNominal Size: UK quad 40"x30"Grade: FineYear: 1966
Qty.:1Price:£1,750.00 -
One million Years BC
Dinosaurs, an exploding volcano, giant tarantulas and Raquel Welch in a fur bikini! click for more informationNominal Size: US insert 14"X36"Grade: Very Good/FineYear: 1966
Qty.:1Price:£225.00 -
Excellent Hammer thriller. click for more informationNominal Size: UK quad 40"x30"Grade: Fine on linenYear: 1963
Qty.:1Price:£1,095.00 -
Excellent Hammer thriller. click for more informationNominal Size: US 1 sht 27"x41"Grade: FineYear: 1963
Qty.:1Price:£95.00 -
Phantom of the Opera
Hammer horror version of the phantom of the opera. click for more informationNominal Size: UK quad 40"x30"Grade: Fine on linenYear: 1962
Qty.:1Price:£895.00 -
Phantom of the opera
Hammer horror version of the phantom of the opera. click for more informationNominal Size: UK quad 40"x30"Grade: Near MintYear: 1962
Qty.:1Price:£995.00 -
Prehistoric Women
Turned into slaves, at the mercy of a Kingdom of Prehistoric Women! click for more informationNominal Size: Australian daybill 13"x26"Grade: Near MintYear: 1967
Qty.:1Price:£65.00 -
Quatermass 2
The second of Hammer's Quatermass films and another classic. click for more informationNominal Size: UK quad 40"x30"Grade: Fine/Near Mint on linenYear: 1957
Qty.:1Price:£1,975.00 -
Reptile (The)
One of the best Hammer films of the 1960's. click for more informationNominal Size: UK quad 40"x30"Grade: Fine on linenYear: 1966
Qty.:1Price:£1,450.00 -
Satanic Rites of Dracula
Christopher Lee's last appearance as Dracula for Hammer. Country-of-origin UK quad poster. click for more informationNominal Size: UK quad 40"x30"Grade: Fine/Near Mint on linenYear: 1974
Qty.:1Price:£925.00 -
Scars of Dracula / Horror of Frankenstein
UK country of origin poster for this Hammer Horror double bill. Unusually these two films were released as a double bill. This is the rare small format double crown poster. click for more informationNominal Size: UK DC 20"x30"Grade: Fine/Near MintYear: 1970
Qty.:1Price:£225.00 -
One of Hammer's best ever films and Ursula Andress is outstanding in the title role. click for more informationNominal Size: US lobby card 14"x11"Grade: Near MintYear: 1965
Qty.:1Price:£45.00 -
Rare small format UK DC from the first release of one of Hammer's best ever films click for more informationNominal Size: UK DC - 20" x 30"Grade: FineYear: 1965
Qty.:1Price:£295.00 -
Straight Outa Compton
Biographical drama depicting the story of the legenday and notorious hip hop group NWA click for more informationNominal Size: UK quad 40"x30"Grade: FineYear: 2015
Qty.:1Price:£45.00 -
Straight on Till Morning
Psychological thriller from Hammer Studios. This is a very rare country of origin UK quad. click for more informationNominal Size: UK quad 40"x30"Grade: FineYear: 1972
Qty.:1Price:£225.00 -
Stranglers of Bombay
Great period thriller from Hammer. A murderous religious cult is way-laying travellers and stealing goods in nineteenth century India. click for more informationNominal Size: UK quad 40"x30"Grade: Fine/Near Mint on linenYear: 1960
Qty.:1Price:£595.00 -
Taste the Blood of Dracula (signed by Christopher Lee)
Strong Hammer horror continuing the Dracula storyline. This poster has been signed by Christopher Lee. click for more informationNominal Size: UK quad 40"x30"Grade: FineYear: 1970
Qty.:1Price:£1,795.00 -
To the Devil a Daughter
Hammer version of this Dennis Wheatley classic from the first release in Belgium. click for more informationNominal Size: Belgian 13"x20"Grade: Very Good/FineYear: 1976
Qty.:1Price:£20.00 -
Vampire Circus
A village in Nineteenth Century Europe is at first relieved when a circus breaks through the quarantine to take the local's minds off the plague. But their troubles are only beginning as children begin to disappear and the legacy of a long-ago massacre is click for more informationNominal Size: Australian daybill 13"x26"Grade: FineYear: 1972
Qty.:1Price:£65.00 -
Vengeance of She
Hammer's sequel to She was a respectable follow up with a lot to commend it. click for more informationNominal Size: UK quad 40"x30"Grade: Very GoodYear: 1968
Qty.:1Price:£195.00 -
Vengeance of She
Hammer's sequel to She was a respectable follow up with a lot to commend it. click for more informationNominal Size: UK quad 40"x30"Grade: Very Good/Fine on linenYear: 1968
Qty.:1Price:£295.00 -
Viking Queen
Rare sword and sandal drama from Hammer with art by Chantrell. click for more informationNominal Size: UK quad 40"x30"Grade: Fine/Near Mint on linenYear: 1967
Qty.:1Price:£595.00 -
When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth / The Great Bank Robbery
Rare UK quad for this British Hammer film with artwork by Chantrell. click for more informationNominal Size: UK quad 40"x30"Grade: Fine on linenYear: 1970
Qty.:1Price:£345.00 -
When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth / The Great Bank Robbery
Rare UK quad for this British Hammer film with artwork by Chantrell. click for more informationNominal Size: UK DC 20" x 30"Grade: Fine/Near MintYear: 1970
Passion of the Christ
Mel Gibson's cinematic tour de force follows the last 12 hours of Jesus leading up to the crucifixion
click for more informationNominal Size: UK quad 40"x30"Grade: Near MintYear: 2004
Qty.:1Price:£65.00 -
Penny Serenade
A Belgian poster, printed on the reverse of an old map, for this 1941 Cary Grant romantic drama. click for more informationNominal Size: Belgian 11"x14"Grade: GoodYear: 1941
Qty.:1Price:£145.00 -
Brooke Shields stars in this desert car racing thriller from 1984. This is the UK quad poster from the 1984 first release with artwork from Drew Struzan, folded in excelent condition. click for more informationNominal Size: UK quad 40"x30"Grade: Fine/Near MintYear: 1984